Sunday 8 October 2017

Trading System På Wall Street

Gjør deg klar for en helt ny måte å se på dine investeringer Du kan slutte å bekymre deg for økonomien og den såkalte resesjonen fordi denne underjordiske næringsdrivende er i ferd med å fortelle deg hvordan. Med mitt system kan du tjene penger fra aksjemarkedet i løpet av lavkonjunkturen No matter Hvor dårlig økonomien kommer. Og du kan gjøre det om 15 minutter om dagen Det er på tide å stoppe å se porteføljen din krympe og START gjøre noe med det. Hent lesing for å finne ut hvordan du lager en månedlig inntekt ved å tjene penger fra markedet, uansett om det går opp eller ned. Dette er ikke bare for Traders Dette er også for alle som har penger på aksjemarkedet, eller som ønsker å START tjene penger fra markedet selv om du aldri har gjort handel med livet ditt. MERK Kurset inneholder FULLSTØRRELSE-videoer, slik at du kan se nøyaktig hva som skjer. Fra Mike Johnson 12. februar 2011. Din fremtidige Elite Trader. Jeg forteller deg noe jeg hater, og så vil jeg fortelle deg noe jeg elsker, jeg HATE ser å se gode mennesker mister penger på aksjemarkedet. Ingen liker å miste penger jeg har vært der og gjort det Kanskje det er derfor jeg har medfølelse for de millioner av mennesker som for tiden mister så mye av deres økonomiske verdi. Folk mister sine aksjeporteføljer, mister sine 401k s, mister jobbene sine på grunn av den sure økonomien, og blir vanligvis spanket av Wall Street. Dessverre kan jeg ikke hjelpe massene til å unngå økonomisk tap. Det er bare en del av hvordan spillet spilles. Noen går alltid å miste penger. Men jeg kan hjelpe dem som er villige til å hjelpe seg selv. Og siden du er her, leser du denne siden, det inkluderer deg. Med andre ord, noen kommer alltid til å tape penger, men at noen ikke trenger å være deg . Og hva elsker jeg. Jeg elsker empoweri ng folk for å oppnå suksess i deres liv. Så jeg antar at denne kjærligheten og hatet er det som motiverte meg til å skape Trading Pro System Stock Trading Course for deg. Du vil IKKE finne dette systemet blir undervist av ALLE ellers, og det har absolutt potensial for å drastisk forandre livet ditt til det bedre. Men jeg m ikke matte deg en haug med å bli rik rask sprøyte, fordi det er ikke hva kurset handler om, og det er heller ikke min stil. I stedet skal jeg få rett til poenget og bare fortelle deg. Hva dette kurset handler om. Hva det vil gjøre for deg. Hva er inkludert. Og hvordan kan du få tilgang til den. Dette har vært 20 år i arbeidet. Først vil jeg ha du skal vite at dette programmet ikke var bare uttalt i de siste ukene og pakket som et produkt som skal selges. Dette kurset er resultatet og kulminasjonen av 20 års planlegging, læring og praktisering av materialet du vil motta. Grunnen til at jeg bestemte meg for å lære deg at metodene mine er avslørt i dette brevet, jeg kommer ikke til å skjule noe Jeg vil være veldig klar fra begynnelsen. I motsetning til mange som lærer opsjoner og aksjer, er jeg IKKE en tidligere markedsfører eller spesialist eller en lisensiert profesjonell i finansbransjen. Jeg er en detaljhandel investor akkurat som deg. Forskjellen er at jeg fant en måte å være vellykket og lønnsom handel aksjer og alternativer som en ekte virksomhet fra mitt hjemmekontor. Forretningsmetoder jeg bruker er også brukt av profesjonelle hedgefond ledere og marked fagfolk som sjelden, om noensinne, snakke om deres strategier. Så du er sannsynligvis spørre deg selv, hvorfor skulle han lære disse hemmelighetene. For å svare på det spørsmålet, vil jeg fortelle deg at det er tre grunner til at jeg vil lære deg denne virksomheten.1 Det er ingen grunn til ikke å lære deg mine hemmeligheter. Jeg har ingenting å miste Markedene er store og verdensomspennende, og alle kan handle uten å redusere muligheten. Faktisk ville det bare gjøre ting bedre. Jo mer handlende, jo mer penger vi kan gjøre og jo mer flytende markedet blir. Det er ekte Jeg er en vinn-vinn-vinn. I motsetning til andre virksomheter - som jeg har vært involvert i for de siste 9 årene Internett markedsføring - denne virksomheten blir bare bedre som flere mennesker gjør det.2 Jeg er en forretnings person, men jeg er også en lærer. Jeg har lært folk hvordan jeg bruker Internett til å starte en virksomhet siden 1999 Jeg har lært tusenvis av mennesker hvordan man kan leve på nettet, så undervisning er noe jeg elsker å gjøre. Det er ikke mange som virkelig forstår denne virksomheten og er villig til å lære det til andre.3 Helt ærlig betyr litt ekstra penger fra å selge dette kurset mer jeg kan bruke til god bruk i min handelsvirksomhet. Selvfølgelig legger jeg pengene mine der jeg får størst avkastning for beløpet investert. De fleste av pengene jeg lager fra å selge dette kurset går direkte inn i min handelsvirksomhet. Jeg vet ikke hva dine evner er, eller hvor fort du kan lære denne virksomheten mens jeg lærer det, så jeg vil aldri fortelle deg hvor mye du kan gjøre, men 5 eller mye mer per måned er et svært nåbart mål Returnerer kan være så høyt som 62 5 ROM - det er 1.000 for hver 1.600 investert. Men la meg forklare hvorfor dette kurset er forskjellig fra alt du kanskje har sett før. De fleste tror at markedene er for risikable, og deres tilnærming er Hit eller Miss, ren spekulasjon eller verre GAMBLING. Jeg vil fortelle deg akkurat nå, mitt handelssystem er IKKE gambling. I behandler handel som en ekte virksomhet. Faktisk ser jeg ikke engang meg selv å være en investor eller spekulant eller handelsmann i tradisjonell forstand. Sannheten er, og dette er akkurat hvordan jeg ser meg selv, jeg er en entreprenør. Som gründer søker jeg muligheter i markedet, samt engasjerer seg i å kjøpe og selge aktiviteter for å generere den høyeste avkastningen på investeringen min og så bare administrere risikoen min. produkt er alternativer og aksjer jeg kjøper og selger dem for å tjene penger. Alle bedrifter kjøper og selger for å tjene penger - jeg gjør det bare med aksjer og alternativer. Alle gode bedrifter klarer seg basert på tall og forhold - jeg gjør det samme - jeg klarer av tallene. Alle forretninger planlegger fo r fortjeneste og skape muligheter for den største avkastningen på investeringen ROI mulig - det gjør jeg også, bortsett fra at jeg skaper muligheter for den største avkastningen på margin ROM. Jeg vet nøyaktig hva min maksimale fortjeneste skal være før jeg legger en handel jeg ikke gjetter eller spekulere - Jeg har en plan Da styrer jeg bare posisjonen og justerer om nødvendig mine posisjoner for å forbli lønnsomme eller kutte tapene mine gjennom smart risikostyringsteknikk og samle inn fortjenesten min ved slutten av handelssyklusen månedlig. Dette er en Evergreen virksomhet Selv om markedene skifter, og økonomien endres, vil systemet alltid fungere. Denne virksomheten vil aldri forandre prinsippene, når du lærer dem, er dine for alltid. Du kan lære disse og gi dem ned til dine barn og barnebarn. Grunnleggende om Denne virksomheten vil aldri forandres fordi den underliggende prinsippene aldri vil forandres. Det er derfor jeg kaller det en eviggrønn virksomhet. I motsetning til franchise eller andre typer forbrukere eller forretningsmessige markeder, sto ck og opsjonsmarkeder har eksistert i hundrevis av år Og selv om markedene beveger seg og endrer seg på noen måter, har prinsippene vært de samme i de siste 200 årene. Hvordan oppdaget jeg hvordan man starter en aksje - og opsjonsvirksomhet. En dag Jeg våknet en dag for å finne litt ekstra penger i et pengemarked som tjente 1 5 om året. Det neste året var det tjent 3 wow - 3 per år. Jeg følte at pengene mine skulle bli satt til bedre og mer produktiv bruk, og jeg startet ser på alle slags franchise muligheter og andre virksomheter å investere i, men de alle hadde en ulempe - den finansielle investeringen var stor, men det var også investering av tid noe jeg egentlig ikke hadde som en far til fire. Så etter mange år med hit eller savner handel Jeg begynte å tenke på handel som en ekte bedrift om 2 1 2 år siden - kjøp og salg av aksjer og opsjoner som en bedrift jeg visste ikke om det kunne gjøres, men ideen fascinert meg jeg visste noen, et eller annet sted var å lage en drepte i markedene og jeg var avskrekke mined for å finne dem, lære alt de kjenner og ta livet av meg selv. Jeg var fast bestemt på å drive min handel som en bedrift, ikke som en gambler, og det betydde å se på muligheter, tilbud og etterspørsel, markedsdynamikk og styring av mitt forretningsbaserte På grunnlag av solid forretningsmessig grunnlag, fortjeneste, tap, utgifter, overhead og avkastning på investeringen. Som enhver bedrift var det min eneste bekymring å kjøpe noe jeg kunne selge med fortjeneste - og med nok av fortjenestemargin, slik at utgiftene mine selv om de var små dekket meg med en konsistent og pålitelig inntekt. Virksomheten til handel har alle disse fordelene. Når du kjenner systemet, kan denne virksomheten administreres med et minimum av tid hver dag. Den har alle muligheter for den perfekte virksomheten. Problemet med å skape en virksomhet basert på markedene er at det virker som om de er konsekvent forandret og det er mye risiko. Som du vet, går markedene opp en dag og nedover neste. Jeg var virkelig forvirret på hvilken måte markedet ville Jeg svarte, og siden jeg hatet ideen om å tape penger, prøvde jeg å forutsi markedets retning fordi det var hvordan jeg trodde penger ble gjort. Jeg fikk virkelig veldig god teknisk analyse jeg trodde at den hadde nøkkelen til fortjenesten hvis jeg kunne fortelle hvor markedet var på vei, det ville være lett å tjene penger, riktig. Jeg lærte alt om bølger og stearinlys, MACD, ADX, CCI, Bollinger Bands og Fibonacci og hundrevis av diagrammønstre, og jeg trodde jeg visste noe om fremtiden av markedet. Frankvis er tekniske indikatorer som krykker - de hjelper bare med å støtte og validere dine handelsideer som allerede er dannet i tankene dine. De hjelper deg ikke å bli en bedre handelsmann eller se virkeligheten av markedet. Det er bare 3 tekniske indikatorer du trenger å kjøre denne forretningsstøtten, motstands - og trendlinjene. Det er det. Vi holder det enkelt. Enkel gjør meg penger. Jeg oppdaget også TOP 1 av alle handelsmenn gjør det nøyaktige motsatt av det jeg prøvde å gjøre da jeg først begynte å forutsi markedet Faktum er. Topphandlere forsøker ALDRI å forutsi markedet de bare klarer risiko. De fleste av elithandlerne bryr seg ikke om markedet går opp eller ned - de tjener penger på en eller annen måte. De bruker diagrammer sparsomt. Alle topphandlere gjør det, og klarer risikoen og dra nytte av markedets eneste sannheter - de eneste absolutte sannhetene i markedet. For aksjer som ONE Absolute Truth er dette.1 Alle aksjer varierer i pris. For alternativer er det to Absolute Truths.1 Alle alternativer varierer i pris og. 2 Alle muligheter utløper. Topphandlerne lærer å respektere disse reglene fordi de er de eneste sannhetene i markedet. Du kan tro at det er andre sannheter, men det er ikke alt. Alt du hører om markedet utenfor disse to reglene er hørbarhet, mening, kommentar og til og med fullstendig fantasi. Selvfølgelig vil du aldri høre noen på CNBC selv nevne disse 2 reglene fordi de ikke hadde noe å rapportere. Kan du forestille deg Maria Bartiromo å si, Prisene svingte i dag. Ha en fin kveld, alle jeg mister her. t tror så. Så de øverste handelsmenn respekterer disse reglene fordi de er så kraftige og det hjelper dem med å kutte gjennom markedsstøyen. Deretter utformer de sin handelsvirksomhet rundt disse reglene for å ta fordel av dem. Når de ser en mulighet, hopper de på det og bare administrere sin virksomhet med tallene og for meg tar det svært lite tid hver dag. Hvor mye kan du gjøre Frankly, det avhenger av din kapital, evne til å lære og din evne til å opprettholde din disiplin i denne virksomheten. Ikke vær bekymret om hvor mye du må starte investeringsvirksomheten din selv om jeg hadde en betydelig sum penger jeg kunne investere, begynte jeg med en liten mengde, slik at jeg kunne lære denne virksomheten. Bare lær ferdighetene og reinvester fortjenesten din - de vil vokse raskt. Har du mistet din CONFIDENCE. Hvis du har mistet penger på markedet, kan det ødelegge din selvtillit. Systemet mitt vil tillate deg å handle med 100 tillit igjen fordi i stedet for å håpe å tjene penger ved å gjette hva du skal gjøre, vil du ha en plan. Husk hva jeg sa på toppen av dette brevet, det handler ikke om hype. Jeg vil aldri garantere at du vil tjene penger med denne virksomheten fordi jeg ikke kan fortelle hvordan du skal bruke informasjonen som jeg skal dele med deg. Din suksess i din Investeringsvirksomheten er avhengig av bare én ting. De avgjørelsene du tar. Den eneste måten du kan ta de riktige avgjørelsene på er å ha overlegen kunnskap. Når du forstår hvordan du virkelig skal tjene penger, vil du handle med total tillit. Det er det jeg kan gjøre for deg. og jeg sier det ikke lett, det er sant. Jeg kan heller ikke gi deg offisiell investeringsrådgivning fordi jeg ikke er en investeringsrådgiver registrert hos SEC, og jeg er ikke en CFP-sertifisert finansplanlegger, så hvis du ser på videoene og deg se meg å handle en bestemt ETF eller lager, vær så snill å ikke tolke den som en anbefaling. Jeg kan vise deg nøyaktig hva jeg gjør, og hvordan jeg gjør det, jeg skal lære deg nesten alt jeg vet om denne virksomheten, men de faktiske avgjørelsene du gjør med din penger er opp til onl du er en person du. Jeg kan fortelle deg med stor grad selvsikkerhet. Det er ingen som vil fortelle deg hva jeg vil dele med deg. Ingen. Du kan betale 5000 eller mer for å delta i topphandelsseminarene, og du fortsatt vant t lære hva jeg skal lære deg. Jeg gikk til et 5.000 høyt nivå, super avansert seminar i fjor satt på av en 25 år veteran - en tidligere floor trader og markedsfører i alternativer på CBOE. I gikk til en annen 2 for mange år siden koster det 3000 og jeg har et tips fra det - hvordan å fortelle om en aksje er i en kanal, ikke tuller, det var det 3000 dollar. Hva jeg skal lære deg, vil blåse bort alt jeg lærte i noen av disse Seminarer Jeg kan ikke tulle Faktisk sier jeg i sannhet at de var nesten sløsing med pengene mine. Jeg sier nesten fordi de hjalp litt, men de manglet praktisk anvendelse av kunnskapen de presenterte - det var for det meste teori som dro Deltakeren ikke bedre, praktisk enn de var da de startet. Dette kurset er den virkelige avtalen. Det re allierte arbeider og svært få mennesker, selv fagfolk lærer noen hvordan man gjør dette, jeg vet dette for et faktum fordi jeg har snakket med noen av proffene, og de vet heller ikke dette systemet, ellers er de ikke villige til å innrømme det. det er noen gutter som virkelig kjenner disse tingene innvendig og ut, en mann er en slags lærer dette og de andre lærer ikke det i det hele tatt fant jeg dem og plukket hjernen deres igjen og igjen til jeg skjønte det og kom opp med et system basert på hva de fortalte meg. De fleste av dem visste ikke engang hvordan de skulle forklare hva de gjør - det er som instinkt for dem, og de kunne ikke uttrykke det de gjorde i en trinnvis sammenhengende måte, så jeg hadde virkelig trekk den ut av dem. Da satte jeg sammen det jeg lærte og kom opp med et komplett forretningssystem som alle kan følge. Jeg vil bare si at jeg tror det vil overraske deg hvor lønnsomt og enkelt det er å løpe - og en begrenset antall tid om dagen er alt du trenger. På den annen side, hvis du vil gjøre dette til en heltidsvirksomhet - du c a Det er mange muligheter til å tjene enda mer penger hvis du har mer tid til å tilegne seg denne virksomheten. Så la oss se om du er den rette typen person å ta dette kurset. Har du vært i markedet som investor og vært skuffet over resultatene. Dere forblir borte fra markedene fordi du tror de er for risikable. Er du forvirret av teknisk og grunnleggende analyse. Vil du stoppe GÅRING hvilken retning markedene går, og ta faglig tilnærming til handel som en forretning. Er ideen om å administrere virksomheten din ved tallene fornuftig for deg. Det er ideen om å handle aksjer og alternativer som en ekte bedrift som er bra for deg. Hvis du svarte JA på et eller flere av spørsmålene ovenfor, jeg tror du vil være en god kandidat til denne opplæringen. Her er hva du får i løpet. Det er totalt 41 videoer i løpet av videoen. Videoene er gruppert i flere moduler, hvor hver modul inneholder hands-on videoer som går deg gjennom toppen ics covered. We bruker videoer fordi du kan se nøyaktig hva du skal gjøre som du lærer, og du kan se dem igjen og igjen om nødvendig for å se gjennom og bygge din forståelse. Du kan se disse videoene direkte på datamaskinen din, og vi vil gi deg en brukernavn og passord for å få tilgang til dem når som helst på dagen eller natten - når det er praktisk for timeplanen din. I tillegg vil du ha permanent tilgang til disse videoene, og du vil også motta nye som vi legger til på en senere dato med enkeltbetalingen plan Se nedenfor for mer informasjon. Modulene i kurset inkluderer.1 INTRODUKSJON TIL HANDEL AS ET FORHANDLINGSHANDEL MED FORTROLIGHET. Denne modulen er utformet for å introdusere deg til en ny måte å handle aksjer og opsjoner på - som en virksomhet. Det legges vekt på risikostyring og bygge en portefølje av handler som kan styres av tallene Lære håndverket, og skaffe seg de ferdighetene som kreves for å lykkes i denne virksomheten. Denne modulen inneholder over 4 timer med stor undervisning.2 GREKSENE - FORVALTER ETTER T HE NUMBERS. Grekerne spiller en kritisk rolle i din handelsvirksomhet. Jeg fullstendig de-mystify dem og forteller deg nøyaktig hva grekerne er og i praktisk, lett å forstå språk demonstrere hvordan de påvirker din virksomhet. Grekene er tallene du trenger for å forstå å administrere porteføljen din profittabelt. Spesiell rapport inkludert jeg inkluderer også den mest omfattende, men likevel enkle å lese 5 side KONFIDENSJONSRAPPORT om hvordan du kan tjene på de greker som er tilgjengelige i verden ja, verden og nei, jeg myrker ikke. 3 HANDELVALG OG STRATEGI. Vi har satt scenen, nå er det på tide å fortsette arbeidet. Det er her ting blir bra og interessante. Hvilke stillinger tar vi Hvordan bestemmer vi når og hvordan teller diagrammer Hva er det stort bilde bak det vi gjør. Denne modulen går i dybden med fem videoer som dekker EEM, ADSK, DIA, SPY og IWM. Ikke vær sikker på det. Du vil forstå alt senere. 4 PORTFOLIO BUILDING. Build en portefølje ved å sette på stillinger som jobbe sammen Dette er hvor mange handelsfolk går galt - de legger på individuelle stillinger og forstår ikke hvordan de påvirker din samlede portefølje. Du vil oppdage hvorfor diversifisering i tidsrammer, priser og strategier er en nøkkel til å tjene penger. Dette er rett og slett grunnleggende for å være en god investor .5 VERKTØYENE AV TRADE. ThinkorSwim TOS er etter min mening den beste megleren og har den beste handelsplattformen tilgjengelig. Hvis du måtte betale separat for hva slags analyseverktøy de gir deg som en kontoinnehaver, ville det koste deg mange hundre av dollar i måneden i avgifter - med TOS de blir gratis, tar jeg deg inne i TOS-plattformen og hjelper deg med å få tilgang til strømmen du har på fingertipsene dine. Det finnes andre programmer programvare som du kan bruke til å analysere handler, men TOS er også gratis når du åpner en konto.6 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT BY THE GREEKS, JUSTERINGER, VIX og More. Now at vi har bygget vår portefølje, hvordan klarer vi oss? det ved tallene vi lærte grekerne, så nå er det på tide å sette dem i handling Nøkkelen til suksess er å vite hvordan man ser på tallene og vet uten tvil hva de mener og hva de skal gjøre med dem om noe. Denne modulen inneholder 5 killer videoer med eksempler på ektefelle som jeg klarer en portefølje.7 KUNNEN AV TILPASNINGER - DEN HEMMELIGE NØKKEN. Hva skjer når våre tall ikke ser bra ut Her er 99 av alle handelsmenn drept i markedet, har de ingen anelse hva du skal gjøre når en stilling går imot dem og de mister penger. Det er så ille fordi de fleste handler kan lagres for å tjene penger. Imagine gjør en liten forandring til posisjonen din og øker sjansene dine for å tjene penger ved 80. Det er hva justering kan gjøre for deg. I handel som en bedrift, vi K NÅ Hva skal vi gjøre Vi handler med selvtillit Vi vet og forstår at når en handel går imot oss, er det en mulighet til å legge til vår portefølje ved å justere jeg kaller den Smart Allocation of Capital Kunsten å justere er den manglende lenken i handelsalternativer og aksjer som nesten ingen lærer.8 LUKKINGSTILLINGER. Hvordan og når du skal lukke stillinger og hvordan lukke dem for maksimal fortjeneste. Risikoen ved å holde posisjoner i utløpsuge. Når og hvordan du kjøper kortsiktig forsikring for å beskytte din fortjeneste og øke rikdommen i utløpsuge Slik lukker du posisjoner og får gratis handler igjen, selv om det er lite, har du mulighet til å DUBBLERE vår fortjeneste. Denne modulen inneholder 5 videoer, og nøkkeltemaet her er MAXIMERING av vår fortjeneste.9 DEN STORE BILDEN - TEKNISK ANALYSE. Hva slags teknisk analyse hjelper oss i vår virksomhet Det er bare noen få viktige analyseverktøy som kan hjelpe deg med å bestemme sannsynlighetene for markedsretningen, og jeg forteller deg nøyaktig hva de er, jeg skal gi deg innsikt hils inn i hvorfor markedet beveger seg slik det gjør. Jeg vil også gi deg et historisk perspektiv på markedsbevegelser som går tilbake til 1900 og gir deg en realistisk angrepsplan for å bestemme fremtidig markedsretning basert på faktisk bevis. I den andre videoen dykker jeg inn i kortsiktige indikatorer som kan skarpere kanten din i markedene for å bedre tiden din handler Så forteller jeg om en indikator jeg snublet på, som forutsetter kortsiktig og åpner markedsretning med en utrolig grad av nøyaktighet nær 95 av tiden så vel som hvordan man kan bestemme intradagers bevegelser og hvordan man skal fortelle om det er penger som strømmer inn i eller ut av aksjer og hva det betyr for prisendringer i løpet av dagen. Denne modulen inneholder godt over 3 timer solid undervisning.10 AVANSERTE TEKNIKER OG EKSPLOSIVE VELLE BYGNINGSSTRATEGIER. Ikke en av disse strategiene krever noen kunnskap om teknisk analyse - det kan hjelpe, men det er ikke nødvendig. Disse tjener penger om markedet går opp eller ned. Dette er strategier du kan styre b somed på tallene En viktig ting jeg bør nevne Det er måter å tjene penger som ikke er åpenbare. For eksempel er strategi 1 noe jeg har studert i årevis, og det fungerer hver gang og kan ikke fungere. 11 Eksplosiv strategi 1. Ved hjelp av denne ene metoden vendte jeg 14000 handel til 75.000 profitt på bare 8 måneder. De fleste penger i fare Bare 650 Det var det totale beløpet som var i fare når denne posisjonen ble påbegynt, og INGEN mer penger ble aldri satt i posisjon. Fantastisk fortjeneste tap ratio Og det spiller ingen rolle om aksjen går opp eller ned, men krever en lengre tidsramme - 6 til 8 måneder. Det er ikke uvanlig for disse handler å skape overskuddet du kan skryte av. Ønsker å drepe i markedet Det får ikke noe bedre enn dette.12 Eksplosiv strategi 2.Another metode jeg kaller Flipping Stocks, la meg kjøpe aksjer billigere enn noen andre, og hvis markedet ikke samarbeider med planen min, får jeg betalt mye penger for å vente til det gjør dette for større pl ayers med mer kapital, men når du har 15k eller mer til å sette på jobb, genererer disse langsiktige bransjene eksplosive fortjeneste. Jeg lærer det til deg i en fin 52 minutters video.13 Eksplosiv strategi 3. Denne nye strategien som har ubegrenset oppside eller ulempe potensial og bare 50 eller så med risiko Denne strategien er ekstremt kraftig og en av de største virkelige hemmelighetene som ingen har diskutert som jeg vet om Vent til du ser kraften i denne strategien. Du kan gjøre 1000 s med total risiko for 50 eller så Det er ekstremt kraftig Tenk det er ingen gratis lunsj på Wall Street Dette er ikke en, men det er så nært som det kommer til en Dette er den perfekte strategien for å spille inntektsrapporter, overtakelse av nyhetsbeholdninger og alle aksjer du tror vil bevege seg stort i enhver retning med liten risiko.14 Eksplosiv strategi 4. Hvis du vil være mer aktiv i aksjer, men hater risikoen, vil du elske denne Dagshandel uten risiko som normalt er forbundet med dagshandel. Kan være oppsett for å være en semi - automatisert handelssystem Svært powerfu Jeg og igjen en annen lavrisiko, høy opptjeningsstrategi for mer aktive deltakere. Denne strategien inkluderer 9 videoer, og jeg tar deg gjennom noen virkelige handler i løpet av 7 dager og viser deg nøyaktig hvordan jeg lager tusenvis av dollar med disse handler. Jeg har også tatt med 3 regneark Excel-regneark for din bekvemmelighet.15 Eksplosiv strategi 5. Hvis du likte ideen om månedlige inntektsvirksomhet, men lurte på hvordan du skal turboladere dem for å tjene en formue, så vil du elske DETTE I stedet for 1000-2000 en måned kan du begynne å generere en inntekt i 5.000 til 40.000 i måneds rekkevidde etter at du har lært dette og med mye mindre stress mens du handler så stort du vil. Denne siste strategien er isingen på kaken, toppetiden i hele studien din og vil være verdt 100 ganger hva du betalte for dette kurset - kanskje enda mer Hvorfor gjorde jeg ikke avsløre dette til hele kursets slutt Enkelt Du ville ikke kunne bruke denne strategien uten et godt fundament som ble lagt ut i det tidligereModuler Alt vi har lært så langt, har ført opp til disse eksplosive strategiene. Dette kurset inneholder over 40 videoer som totaliserer over 24 timer av meg undervisning. Videoene og modulene er svært godt organisert i et lett å navigere medlemskapsområde, og de er sekvensert i en perfekt logisk rekkefølge slik at du kan lære systemet ett trinn om gangen. Som nevnt tidligere, vil du ikke finne dette materialet noe annet sted. Kurset vil bli levert til deg 100 online. Så hva er prisen. Jeg har gjort dette utrolig rimelig slik at du kan lære det uten alvorlig økonomisk stress. Som nevnt har jeg vært på seminarer for 3.000 og 5.000, og du vil få mye mer fra dette kurset enn begge de kombinerte. Jeg har også sett en handelskurs Det koster 7,500 bare for online-tilgang for å lære grunnleggende om alternativer. Så der kan du se at verdien av dette kurset er lett i tusenvis. Men jeg har ikke gjort mer enn verdien. Hvis du blir med i dag, vil du også motta disse fire raske actionbonuser. FAST ACTION BONUS 1 Inside Days Strategi Video 69 minutter Ebook. 147 00 Verdi - Din gratis når du går med i dag. Jeg opprettet dette mini-kurset for å lære en meget kraftig indikator i markedet, noe som kan vise deg hvordan du setter deg opp for eksplosive fortjenester. Jeg bruker denne strategien til å rake i fortjenestetiden og gang igjen. FAST ACTION BONUS 2 Xtreme Trading Video 50 minutter. 97 00 Verdi - Din gratis når du går med i dag. Som du kanskje har lagt merke til, mens jeg dekker noen dagers handel i hovedretten, er det IKKE et kurs for dagskurs. Imidlertid kan jeg bruke prinsippene mine til en bestemt type av dagens handel, og jeg bruker denne kraftige strategien for å få tak i profitt på etterspørsel. Denne 50 minutters videoen vil vise deg nøyaktig hvordan jeg gjør det. FAST ACTION BONUS 3 Månedlig Trader Alerts. 150 00 Verdi - Din gratis når du går med i hver måned. Hver måned vil jeg sende deg en spesiell handelsvarsel med informasjon om en handel jeg gjør, eller annen innsideinformasjon som hjelper deg med å dra nytte av de nåværende markedsforholdene, uansett hva de kan være. Du bare sekunder unna å få full tilgang til hele kurset Registrer deg nå, og du vil være på vei til handels suksess. Okay, så nå har jeg nettopp lagt 394 00 kroner av bonuser på kurset. I betraktning at kurset selv er lett verdt tusenvis, og selv bonusene er verdt over 350, bestemte jeg meg for å pris kurset på 1000 00 Jeg håper du vil være enig i at det er veldig rimelig og rimelig pris for hele pakken. Men jeg vet at økonomien har jobbet hardt blåse for mange av de menneskene som trenger denne informasjonen mest. Derfor vil jeg gjøre det så enkelt som mulig for deg å bli medlem i dag. I stedet for den normale prisen på 1000 00, slår jeg prisen som en gal ninja . Hvis du blir med i dag, kan du ha full tilgang til hele programmet for. ELLER bare 27 i dag med vår spesialplan. Men dette er et begrenset tidsbud. Som jeg vil forklare nedenfor, må jeg virkelig begrense antall medlemmer jeg tillater i programmet, og hvis jeg selger det for billig for lenge, vil det fyll opp for fort, og jeg vil bli oversvømt med spørsmål fra nye kunder. Derfor stiller jeg en streng grense, og hvis vi ikke kommer helt ut, vil prisen fortsette å gå opp. Det er ikke et feiltrykk jeg skal til gir deg tilgang til dette potensielt livsforandrende programmet for din første utbetaling av kun 27 i dag og deretter 27 per måned for ytterligere 4 måneders tilgang. Du får hele greien umiddelbart når du går med i dag på 97 Hvis du kjøper med den månedlige planlegger vi tilgang til ca. 20 av hele kurset hver måned til du får tilgang til hele kurset. Åpenbart, hvis du avbestiller abonnementet i betalingsplanperioden, vil tilgangen til kurset bli suspendert. Også, jeg vil la du vet at det ikke er noen UPSELL Det er ingen tid tilbud, eller noe annet du bare må kjøpe for å fullføre kurset Du får FULL kurset. Først hadde jeg vurdert å bryte den i stykker og lade ekstra for de supermektige strategiene som var inneholdt mot slutten av kurset, men jeg bestemte meg for at du skulle ha det hele, og jeg kommer til å gi det hele til deg i ett medlemskap. Husk, du får mer. Mer enn 40 videoer i KURS Plus-bonusvideoer. OVER 24 timers undervisning Plus mer i bonusen videoer. Mest av de andre ikke mine nettbaserte pedagogiske produkter der ute for å lære å handle, består av osteobøker, med lite eller ikke noe nyttig innhold. Så vær så snill å ikke kaste bort en annen 97 eller hva som helst på en annen ebook som ikke hjelper deg med å få til hvor du vil være. I stedet investere i dette kurset som virkelig vil sette kunnskapen i dine hender og inn i ditt sinn. Mitt kurs har alt du trenger for å lære deg hvordan du kan tjene penger som en pro med aksjer og alternativer. Men du ll må handle raskt. Jeg vil ha for å sikre en optimal kvalitetsopplevelse for hver enkelt av mine kunder, noe som betyr at jeg ikke kan selge for mange medlemsskap. For en ting vil jeg forsikre meg om at jeg kan svare så mange av dine spørsmål som mulig, og det vant Det kan ikke hende at jeg tillater for mange mennesker å bli med. For det andre skal jeg sørge for at medlemskapsområdet ikke blir rammet av for mange medlemmer. Jeg insisterer at nedlastingene er fine og raske, så jeg må begrense medlemskap. Du er klar til å begynne å tjene penger fra markedet, uansett om det går opp eller ned. Ja, jeg vil tjene penger med aksjer og opsjoner. Ja, jeg vil ta en plass i dette svært begrensede medlemskapet. Ja , Jeg vil ha øyeblikkelig tilgang til hele programbonusene. Ja, jeg vil ha det nå før prisen går opp. Dette tilbudet avsluttes snart. Velg ett av følgende to alternativer for å bestille nå. OPTION 1 Bare 27 per måned. Så lenge du er medlem, kan du logge inn når som helst og få tilgang til videoene og andre opplæringsmateriell på nettet. Du kan kansellere når som helst. OPPDRAG 2 1 BETALING AV 97. Ingen flere utbetalinger noensinne. Spørsmål Email oss på support. PS - Du kan forsøke å lære dette ved prøve og feil på egen hånd, men jeg forsikrer deg om at det vil være en mye dyrere utdanning enn den jeg tilbyr deg i dag for en svært rimelig pris. Det koster Jeg er år med frustrasjon, dårlige handler og store økonomiske tap før jeg skjønte det hemmelige systemet jeg har sett på for mange smarte, men uutdannede mennesker mister sine skjorter på aksjemarkedet, og jeg vil ikke se det som skjer med deg. VENNLIGST hvis du re going to invest your money anywhere, get my course so you can avoid the pain I ll show you how to trade the low-risk, profitable way that will bring you profits regardless of whether the stock market is going up or down. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND ITS POTENTIAL THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS OR SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS WEBSITE EXAMPLES IN THIS PAGE ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING THE INFORMATION INCLUDED TO THIS PAGE, THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNIQUES WE DO NOT PURPORT THIS AS A GET RICH SCHEME YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN THIS PAGE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL NOR ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS MATERIALS IN THIS PAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THAT GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS THEY USE WORDS SUCH AS ANTICIPATE, ESTIMATE, EXPECT, PROJECT, INTEND, PLAN, BELIEVE, AND OTHER WORDS AND TERMS OF SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSE S, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL. Get ready for a whole new way of looking at your investments You can stop worrying about the economy and the so-called recession because this underground trader is about to tell you how. With My System You Can Make Money from the Stock Market DURING the Recession No Matter How Bad the Economy Gets. And You Can Do It In 15 Minutes a Day. It s time to STOP watching your portfolio shrink, and START doing somet hing about it. Keep reading to discover exactly how to create a huge monthly income by making a killing from the market REGARDLESS of whether it goes up or down. This is NOT just for Traders This is also for ANYONE who has money in the stock market, or who wants to START making real money from the market even if you ve never made a trade in your life. Click the video to view it. NOTE The course contains FULL SIZE videos so you can see exactly what is happening. From David Vallieres and Eric Holmlund Written Tuesday, 9 42AM on the brink of a global meltdown. Dear future elite trader. L et me tell you something I hate, and then I ll tell you something I love. I HATE seeing good people lose money in the stock market. Nobody likes losing money I ve been there and done that Perhaps that s why I have compassion for the millions of people who are currently losing so much of their financial worth. People are losing their stock portfolios, losing their 401k s, losing their jobs due to the sour economy, and just generally getting spanked by Wall Street. Unfortunately, I can t help the masses avoid financial loss. It s just a part of how the game is played Someone is always going to lose money. However, I CAN help those who are willing to help themselves And since you re here reading this page, that includes you. In other words, someone is always going to lose money, but that some one DOESN T have to be you. And what do I love. I LOVE empowering people to achieve success in their lives. So I guess that this love and hate are what motivated me to create the Trading Pro System for you. You will NOT find this system being taught by ANYONE else, and it absolutely has the potential to drastically change your life for the better. However, I m NOT going to feed you a bunch of get rich quick hype, because that s not what the course is about, nor is it my style. Instead, I m going to get straight to the point and just tell you. what this course is all about. what it will do for you. what is included. and how you ll be able to access it. This has been 20 YEARS in the making. First, I want you to know that this program was NOT just conceived in the last few weeks and packaged as a product to sell. This course is the result and culmination of 20 years of thinking, planning, learning and practicing the material that you will receive. The reason why I decided to teach you my methods is rev ealed in this letter I m not going to hide anything. I want to be very clear from the outset. Unlike many people who teach options and stocks, I am NOT a former market maker or specialist or a licensed professional in the financial industry I am a retail investor just like you The difference is that I found a way to be successful and profitable trading stocks and options as a REAL business from my home office. The business methods I use are also used by professional hedge fund managers and market professionals who rarely, if ever, talk about their strategies. So you re probably asking yourself, Why would he give away these secrets. To answer that question, I will tell you that there are three reasons why I want to teach you this business.1 There s no reason not to teach you my secrets. Seriously I have nothing to lose The markets are huge and worldwide and anyone can trade them without decreasing the opportunity In fact it would only make things better The more traders, the more money we can make and the more liquid the market becomes. It s really a win-win-win. Unlike other businesses - such as the one I have been involved in for the last 9 years Internet marketing - this business only gets BETTER as more people do it.2 I am a business person but I am also a teacher. I have been teaching people how to use the Internet to start a business since 1999 I have taught thousands of people how to make their living online so teaching is something I love to do. There are not many people who really understand this business and are willing to teach it to others.3 Frankly, a little extra money from selling this course means more I can put to good use in my trading business. Obviously I put my money where I get the largest return for the amount invested Most of the money I make from selling this course goes directly into my trading business. I don t know what your abilities are or how fast you can learn this business as I teach it, so I will never tell you how much you could make but 5 or m uch more per month is a very reachable goal I ve personally seen returns as high as 62 5 ROM - that s 1,000 for every 1,600 invested. But let me explain why this course is different from anything you may have seen before. Most people think the markets are too risky and their approach is hit or miss , pure speculation, or worse GAMBLING. I will tell you right now my trading system is NOT gambling. I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don t even consider myself to be an investor or speculator or trader in the traditional sense. The truth is, and this is exactly how I see myself I am an entrepreneur As an entrepreneur I seek opportunities in the market as well as engage in buying and selling activities to generate the highest return on my investment and then simply manage my risk. My product is options and stocks I buy and sell them to make money. All businesses buy and sell to make money - I just do it with stocks and options. All good businesses manage based on numbers and ratios - I d o the same thing - I manage by the numbers. All businesses plan for profits and create opportunities for the largest return on investment ROI possible - I do too, except I create opportunities for the largest return on margin ROM. I know exactly what my maximum profits are going to be before I place a trade I don t guess or speculate - I have a plan Then I simply manage the position and, if necessary, adjust my positions to remain profitable or cut my losses through smart risk management technics and collect my profits at the end of the trading cycle monthly. This is an evergreen business Even as the markets shift, and the economy changes my system will always work. This business will never change the principles, once you learn them, are yours forever You could learn these and hand them down to your children and grandchildren. The basics of this business will never change because the underlying the principles will never change. That s why I call it an evergreen business. Unlike franchises or other types of consumer or business-to-business markets, the stock and option markets have been around for hundreds of years And even though the markets move and change in some ways, the principles have been the same for the past 200 years. How did I discover how to start a stock and option business. One day I woke up one day to find a little extra cash sitting in a money market earning 1 5 a year The next year it was earning 3 wow - 3 a year. I felt my money should be put to better and more productive use and I started looking into all kinds of franchise opportunities and other businesses to invest in but they all had one drawback - the financial investment was large but so was the investment of time something I really didn t have as a father of four. So after years of hit or miss trading I started thinking about trading as a real business about 2 1 2 years ago - buying and selling stocks and options as a business I didn t know if it could be done, but the idea intrigued me I knew somebod y, somewhere was making a killing in the markets and I was determined to find them, learn everything they know and make a killing of my own. I was determined to run my trading as a business not as a gambler, and that meant looking at opportunities, supply and demand, marketplace dynamics and managing my business based on solid business fundamentals profit, loss, expenses, overhead and return on investment. Like any business my only concern was to buy something that I could sell at a profit - and with enough of a profit margin so that my expenses although small were covered leaving me with a consistent and reliable income. The business of trading has all of these advantages. Once you know the system, this business can be managed in 15 minutes a day. It has all the makings of the perfect business. The problem with creating a business based on the markets is that it seems like they are consistently changing and there is a lot of risk. As you know, the markets go up one day and down the next. I wa s really confused which way the market would turn, and since I hated the idea of losing money I tried to predict the market s direction because that s how I THOUGHT money was made. I got really, really good at technical analysis I THOUGHT that it held the key to profits if I could tell where the market was headed it would be easy to make money, right. I learned all about waves and candle sticks, MACD, ADX, CCI, Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci and hundreds of chart patterns and I thought I knew something about the future of the market. Frankly, technical indicators are like crutches - they only help to support and validate your trading ideas already formed in your mind They do not help you become a better trader or see the reality of the market There are only 3 technical indicators you need to run this business support, resistance and trend lines That s it We keep it simple Simple makes me money. I also discovered the TOP 1 of all traders do the EXACT opposite of what I tried to do when I fir st got started predict the market The fact is. Top traders NEVER try to predict the market - they only manage risk. Most of the elite traders don t care if the market goes up or down - they make money either way They use charts sparingly. All top traders do is manage their risk and take advantage of the only truths of the market - the ONLY absolute truths of the market. For stocks that ONE Absolute Truth is this.1 All stocks fluctuate in price. For options there are two Absolute Truths.1 All options fluctuate in price and.2 All options expire. The top traders learn to respect these rules because they are the ONLY truths of the market. You might think there are other truths but there aren t. Everything you hear about the market outside these 2 rules is hearsay, opinion, commentary and even complete fantasy. Of course you will never hear anyone on CNBC even mention these 2 rules because they would have nothing to report. Can you imagine Maria Bartiromo saying, Prices fluctuated today Have a nice e vening everyone I m outta here. I don t think so. So the top traders respect these rules because they are so powerful and it helps them cut through the market noise. Then they design their trading business around these rules to TAKE ADVANTAGE of them. Once they see an opportunity they jump on it and simply manage their business by the numbers and, for me it takes 15 minutes - sometimes less - a day. How much can you make Frankly, it depends on your capital, ability to learn, and your ability to maintain your discipline in this business. Don t be concerned about how much you have to start your investment business even though I had a considerable amount of money I could invest, I started mine with a small amount so I could learn this business Just learn the skills and reinvest your profits - they will grow quickly. Have you lost your CONFIDENCE. If you ve lost money in the market it can destroy your confidence My system will allow you to trade with 100 confidence again because instead of hoping to make a profit by guessing what to do, you ll have a plan. Remember what I said at the top of this letter this is not about hype I will never guarantee you will make money with this business because I can t tell how you ll use the information that I m going share with you Your success in your investment business depends on only one thing The decisions YOU make. The only way for you to make the right decisions is by having superior knowledge Once you understand how to REALLY make money, you will trade with total confidence That s what I can do for you and I do not say it lightly, it s true. Also, I cannot give you official investment advice because I am not an investment adviser registered with the SEC and I am not a CFP certified financial planner , so if you watch the videos and you see me trading a certain ETF or stock please do not interpret it as a recommendation. I can show you exactly what I do, and how I do it I ll teach you virtually everything I know about this business but the actual decisions you make with your money is up to only one person You. I can tell you with a high degree of certainty though. There is no one who will tell you what I will share with you No one. You could pay 5,000 or more to attend the top trading seminars, and you still won t learn what I m going to teach you. I went to a 5,000 high level , super advanced seminar last year put on by a 25 year veteran - a former floor trader and market maker in options on the CBOE. I went to another 2 years ago that costs 3,000 and I got one tip from it - how to tell if a stock is in a channel no kidding, that was it 3,000 dollars. What I m going to teach you will blow away anything that I learned in any of these seminars I m not kidding In fact, I d say, in truth, they were almost a waste of my money. I say almost because they did help a little but they lacked practical application of the knowledge they presented - it was mostly theory that left the attendee no better off, in practical terms, than they wer e when they started. This course is the real deal. It really works and very few people even professionals teach anyone how to do this I know this for a fact because I ve talked to some of the pros, and either they don t know this system, or else they are not willing to admit it. But there are a few guys who really know this stuff inside and out one guy is sort of teaching this and the others are not teaching it at all I found them and picked their brain over and over until I figured it out and came up with a system based on what they told me. Most of them didn t even know how to explain what they do-- it s like instinct to them and they couldn t express what they did in a step-by-step coherent way, so I really had pull it out of them. Then I put together what I learned, and came up with a complete business system that anyone can follow. I ll just say that I think it will surprise you how profitable and easy it is to run - and just 15 minutes a day is all you need. On the other hand, if you wa nt to make this a full-time business - you can There are plenty of opportunities to make even more money if you have more time to devote to this business. So let s see if you re the right kind of person to take this course. Have you been in the market as an investor and been disappointed with the results. Do you stay away from the markets because you think they are too risky. Are you confused by technical and fundamental analysis. Would you like to stop GUESSING which direction the markets are going, and take the professional approach to trading as a business. Does the idea of managing your business by the numbers make sense to you. Does the idea of trading stocks and options as a real business sound good to you. If you answered YES to any ONE or more of the questions above, I think you would be a good candidate for this training. Here s what you ll be getting in the course. There are a total of 41 videos within the course The videos are grouped into several Modules , with each Module containing hands-on videos walking you through the topics covered. We use videos because you can SEE exactly what to do as you learn, and you can watch them over and over again if necessary to review and build your understanding. You can watch these videos directly on your computer we will give you a username and password to access them anytime of the day or night - whenever it s convenient for your schedule. In addition, you will have permanent access to these videos and you will also receive any new ones we add at a later date. The Modules in the course include. INTRODUCTION TO TRADING AS A BUSINESS TRADING WITH CONFIDENCE. This Module is designed to introduce you to a new way to trade stocks and options - as a business Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed by the numbers Learning the craft, acquiring the skills required to be successful in this business. This Module contains over 4 hours of great teaching. THE GREEKS - MANAGING BY THE NUMBERS. The greeks play a critical role in your trading business I totally de-mystify them and tell you exactly what the greeks are and, in practical, easy to understand language demonstrate how they impact your business The greeks are the numbers you need to understand to manage your portfolio profitably. Special report included I m also including the most comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from The Greeks available in the world yes, the world, and no, I m not kidding. TRADE SELECTION AND STRATEGY. We ve set the stage, now it s time to get on with the work at hand This is where things get good and interesting What positions do we take How do we determine when and how Do charts matter What is the big picture behind what we re doing. This Module goes in depth with FIVE videos covering EEM, ADSK, DIA, SPY, and IWM Don t worry, you ll understand it all later. Build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together This is where many traders go wrong - they put on in dividual positions and do not understand how they affect your overall portfolio. You ll discover why diversification in time frames, prices and strategies is a key to making money. This is simply fundamental to being a good investor. THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE. ThinkorSwim TOS , in my opinion is the best broker and has the best trading platform available If you had to pay separately for the kind of analysis tools they give you as an account holder it would cost you many hundreds of dollars a month in fees - with TOS they re free I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power you have at your finger tips. There are other programs software that you can use to analyze your trades, but TOS is also free when you open an account. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT BY THE GREEKS, ADJUSTMENTS, VIX and More. Now that we have built our portfolio, how do we manage it by the numbers We learned the greeks, so now it s time to put them into action The key to success is knowing how to look at the numbers and know, without a doubt, what they mean and what to do with them if anything. This module includes 5 killer videos with real life examples as I manage a portfolio. THE ART OF ADJUSTMENTS - THE SECRET KEY. What happens when our numbers don t look good This is where 99 of all traders get killed in the market they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them and they lose money It s too bad because most trades can be saved to make a profit. Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80 That s what adjusting can do for you. In Trading As A Business, we KNOW what to do We trade with confidence We know and understand that when a trade goes against us it s an OPPORTUNITY to add to our portfolio by adjusting I call it Smart Allocation of Capital The art of adjustments is the missing link in trading options and stocks that almost no one teaches. How and when to close positions, and how to close them for maximum profits The risks of holding positions into expiration week When and how to buy short-term insurance to protect your profits and increase your wealth in expiration week How to close positions and get free trades left over that, although small, have a chance of DOUBLING our profits. This module contains 5 videos, and the key theme here is MAXIMIZING our profits. THE BIG PICTURE - TECHNICAL ANALYSIS. What kinds of technical analysis help us in our business There are only a few key analysis tools that can help you determine the probabilities of market direction and I tell you exactly what those are I ll give you insights into why the market mo ves the way it does. I ll also give you a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900 and give you a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence In the 2nd video, I dive into short-term indicators that can sharpen your edge in the markets to better time your trades Then I tell you about an indicator I stumbled on, that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy close to 95 of the time as well as how to determine intra-day movements and how to tell whether money is flowing into or out of stocks and what it means for intra-day price trends. This module contains well over 3 hours of solid teaching. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND EXPLOSIVE WEALTH BUILDING STRATEGIES. Not even one of these strategies requires any knowledge of technical analysis - it can help, but it s not required These make money whether the market goes up or down These are strategies you can manage based on the numbers One impor tant thing I should mention There are ways to make money that are NOT obvious For example, Strategy 1 is something I have been studying for years, and it works every time and cannot fail to work. Explosive Strategy 1.Due to ever-changing and somewhat confusing rules and scrutiny by federal regulators of online income claims, I ve decided not to tell you on this page how much money I ve made with this method I will just say it s a VERY exposive strategy, designed to maximize profits and minimize risk Amazing potential profit loss ratio And it doesn t matter if the stock goes up or down but does require an longer time frame - 6 to 8 months. It is not uncommon for these trades to create the profits you can brag about Want to make a killing in the market It doesn t get any better than this. Explosive Strategy 2.Another method I call Flipping Stocks let s me buy stocks cheaper than anyone else and if the market does not cooperate with my plan - I get paid lots of money for waiting until it does This is for bigger players with more capital but when you have 15k or more to put to work, these longer term trades generate explosive profits. I teach it to you in a nice 52 minute video. Explosive Strategy 3.This new strategy that has unlimited upside or downside potential and only 50 or so of risk This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real secrets that no one has ever discussed that I know of Wait till you see the power of this strategy Again, I ve intentionally omitted my income numbers from this page Think there s no free-lunch on Wall Street This isn t one either but it s as close as it gets to one This is the perfect strategy for playing earnings reports, takeover news stocks and any stock you think will move big in any direction with little risk. Explosive Strategy 4.If you want to be more active in stocks but hate the risk, you ll love this Day trade without the risk normally associated with day trading Can be setup to be an semi-automated trading system Ver y powerful and again another low risk, high earning strategy for more active participants. This strategy includes 9 videos, and I take you through some real life trades over the course of 7 days and show you exactly how I make thousands of dollars with these trades. I ve also included 3 worksheets Excel spreadsheets for your convenience. Explosive Strategy 5.If you liked the idea of the monthly income trades but were wondering how to turbo charge them to make a fortune, then you will love THIS When I first started using this strategy I saw a huge difference I started generating a lot more income, and was doing it with a lot less stress. This last strategy is the icing on the cake the peak moment in all your hard study and could be worth 100 times what you paid for this course - maybe even more Why didn t I reveal this until the very end of the course Simple You would not be able to use this strategy without a good foundation that was laid out in the earlier Modules Everything we have learn ed thus far has been leading up to these explosive strategies. This course contains over 40 videos. totaling over 24 HOURS of me teaching. The videos and modules are very well organized in an easy-to-navigate membership area, and they are sequenced in a perfectly logical order so that you can learn the system one step at a time. As I mentioned previously, you will not find this material anywhere else. The course will be delivered to you 100 online. I M INCLUDING TWO FORMATS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.1 Online Streaming You can stream the videos directly in your browser Flash videos, which are compatible with virtually all browsers , so you don t have to download anything if you don t want to.2 Downloadable You can also download the full resolution videos Windows Media files directly to your computer This allows us to provide you with the highest quality and clearest videos for you to watch You may make one copy of these videos on a storage device CD, DVD or external drive but may not allow anyone else to view, copy or share them They are for your use only with the exception of your spouse. I ve made this incredibly affordable so you can learn it without any serious financial stress. As I mentioned I have been to seminars for 3,000 and 5,000 and you will get much more from this course than both of those combined I ve also seen one trading course that charges 7,500 just for online access to learn the basics of options. So right there, you can see that the VALUE of this course is easily in the thousands. But I m not done adding value yet. If you join today, you ll also receive these FOUR fast action bonuses. FAST ACTION BONUS 1 Inside Days Strategy Video 69 minutes Ebook. 147 00 Value - Yours free when you join today. I created this mini-course to teach a very powerful indicator in the market, which can show you how to set yourself up for explosive profits I use this strategy to rake in the profits time and time again. FAST ACTION BONUS 2 Xtreme Trading Video 50 minutes. 97 00 Value - Yours free when you join today. As you may have noticed, while I do cover some day trading in the main course, it is is NOT a day trading course However, I am able to apply my principles to a certain type of day trading, and I use this powerful strategy to grab profits on demand This 50 minute video will show you exactly how I do it. FAST ACTION BONUS 3 58 Free Back Editions of the Daily Market Review. 197 00 Value - Yours free when you join today. Each of these reviews is a downloadable video, so you ll be getting many extra hours of my top notch content As if you re not already getting enough this is in addition to the 24 hours of videos you re already getting. FAST ACTION BONUS 4 Monthly Trader Alerts. 150 00 Value - Yours free when you join today. Each month I will email you a special trader alert with information about a trade I m making, or other inside info to help you profit from the CURRENT market conditions, whatever they may be. You re just seconds away from getting full access to the complete course Sign up now and you ll be on your way to trading success. Okay, so now I ve just added 591 00 worth of bonuses onto the course. Considering that the course itself is easily worth thousands, and even the bonuses are worth over 500, I decided to price the course at 1000 00 I hope you will agree that it s a very fair and reasonable price for the entire package. However, I know that the economy has dealt a hard blow to many of the people who need this information the most. Therefore, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to become a member today. Instead of the normal price of 1000 00, I m slashing the price like a crazed ninja. If you join today, you can have complete access to the entire program for. OR just 37 today with our special plan. But this is a limited time offer As I will explain below, I really need to limit the number of members I allow into the program, and if I sell it too cheap for too long, it will fill up too quickly and I ll be swamped with questions from new customers. Therefore, I m setting a strict limit, and if we don t completely sell out, the price will continue to go up. That s not a misprint I m going to give you FULL access to this potentially life-changing program for your first payment of only 397 197 or 37 today. You don t have to get all the material You will get the entire thing INSTANTLY when you join today. Also, I want to let you know that there is NO UPSELL There is no one time offer , or anything else that you just have to buy to complete the course You are getting the FULL course. Initially I had considered breaking it into pieces and charging extra for the super-powerful strategies contained toward the end of the course, but I decided that you shoul d have the ENTIRE thing, and I m going to give it ALL to you in one membership. Remember, you re getting. MORE THAN 40 VIDEOS IN THE COURSE Plus 60 Bonus Videos. OVER 24 HOURS OF TEACHING Plus more in the bonus videos. Most of the other not mine online educational products out there for learning how to trade consist of cheesy ebooks, with little or no helpful content. So please don t go wasting another 97 or whatever on yet another ebook that won t help you get to where you want to be. Instead, invest in this course which will truly put the knowledge into your hands and into your mind. My course has everything needed to teach you how to make money like a pro with stocks and options. But you ll need to act fast. I want to ensure an optimal quality experience for each and every one of my customers, which means I can not sell too many memberships. For one thing, I want to make sure I m able to answer as many of your questions as possible, and that won t be possible if I allow too many people to joi n. Second, I m going to make sure that the membership area does not get bogged down by too many members I insist that the downloads are nice and fast, so I will need to limit the membership. The doors may be closing at any time, so please grab your spot now if this is something you would like to be a part of. Are you ready to start making a killing from the market, regardless of whether it s going up or down. YES, I want the Trading Pro System. Yes, I want to make money with stocks and options. Yes, I want to grab a spot in this very limited membership. Yes, I want instant access to the entire program bonuses. Yes, I want it now before the price goes up This offer is ending soon. Choose one of the following two options to order now. OPTION 1 Just 37 per month. As long as you remain a member you may log in at any time and access the videos and other training materials online You will also receive my monthly trader alerts You may cancel at any time. OPTION 2 1 PAYMENT OF 197. With no more payments ever.60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Try it risk free today We believe in this program so much that we re giving you complete access to the entire program and all the bonuses at our risk, not yours. We re willing to do this because we believe it will truly show you how to improve your investment strategy If you re not satisfied with the program, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase and we ll refund 100 of your purchase After 60 days, all sales are final. Trade with confidence. David Vallieres Eric Holmlund. Questions Email us at. P S - You could attempt to learn this by trial and error on your own, but I assure you it will be a MUCH more costly education than the one I m offering you today for a very reasonable price. It cost me years of frustration , bad trades, and huge financial losses before I figured out the secret system I ve watched too many smart yet uneducated people lose their shirts in the stock market, and I don t want to see that happen to you PLEASE if you re going to invest your money anywhere, get my course so you can avoid the pain I ll show you how to trade the low-risk, profitable way that will bring you profits regardless of whether the stock market is going up or down. Click Here To Join Now. Copyright by Eric Holmlund LLC and InfoProductLab LLC All rights reserved. Here is How WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution ELIMINATES all the Loss Making Reasons. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution was developed by a team of professional traders and software developers with over 30 years cumulative experience in forex trading and developing automated trading systems. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is based on the probably best time-proven trading method LOW-RISK scalping following short and medium-term trends This met hod has proven it worths ever since forex has been traded online It generates millions of dollars of profit for the professional forex traders that use it By using this uniquely stable trading principle which has proven its profitability over the years, we offer you a powerful weapon which allows you to generate profits at low risk and enables you to become one of the few to boast forex trading success. Since WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is a software product, it acts in a manner that is 100 unbiased at all times WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is not swayed by emotions, transient indispositions or other negative factors and circumstances, assessing and performing each potentially profitable market situation entered in its program logic with 100 correctness and discipline. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution has an in-built automatic risk-calculating algorithm that automatically determines trading volumes on the basis of account risk percentage per individual deal Moreover, there is an option to activate a unique algorithm to effectively compensate any current drawdown. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution identifies and closes any deal in a 100 unbiased manner, never departing from its programmed trading logic something of which even the most disciplined trader is incapable. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution was developed by a team of professional traders and software developers, each of whom has given the best of their knowledge, skill, and experience in designing this unique product. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution opens positions against daily movements only where such moves have a high probability of success and by keeping to a trading method which has proven itself over the years through use by many professional traders. As any professional trading system, WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution protects each position through defensive Stop Loss orders, making it impossible to lose an account in an individual transaction, as happens to all too man y traders who fail to set defensive stops. Probably the biggest mistake many traders make is to pile more and more on to losing positions in the hope that the market will turn This, the major reason for account losses is one that we as WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution developers know all too well we would never put you in this situation. As you can see, WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution have foreseen all that is needed to give you the opportunity of being one of the few profitable forex traders. Of course, nothing speaks louder than historical results, and the results WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution gives are as you can see for yourselves astounding.17-Year Backtest Historical Results. But what is more impressive is the current Live Results WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution can produce REAL profit, not just backtest profit. We all know how difficult it is to turn a strategy that works well in tests into a strategy that should bring profit in real life It is not enough for an expert advisor to do well in back tests for one to be certain of success An expert advisor is only good when it makes profit and earns real money. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is an expert advisor that was tested on Live Real-Money Accounts BEFORE release Ever since the first time it was attached to a real money chart, it has had the benefit of multiple improvements and modifications that make it one of the best robots on the forex market today. Let us look in a little more detail at the TRADING PRINCIPLES Transaction Mechanics that form the Basis of WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution. As we mentioned, the basic principles include the low-risk accumulation of minor, yet highly probable, profits while following short and medium-term trends. This does not mean that WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is a mere scalper hoping to win a pip or two per transaction and whom every broker would ignore. The average amount of winning WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution transactions is in t he order of 10 to 15 pips something no broker would qualify as aggressive scalping. This means that another great benefit of WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is that you can use it successfully with any MetaTrader4-based broker without worrying that spread widening would erode your profit, or that the broker would blacklist you as a damaging scalper. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is an absolutely legal product which does not harm brokers in any way, rather any broker would be happy to see you trading large volumes with him using WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution. Another great benefit of WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is that it was designed especially for the most liquid, narrowest spread currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD, NZDUSD and AUDUSD. The spreads of these currency pairs are most steady, even with floating-spread brokers, which means that you can profit consistently without worrying that the best and potentially most profitable signals might f ail to be followed-through through the broker deciding just then to widen your spread. Despite the spreads in these three leading currency pairs are usually in the 1 to 3 pips range, WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution has an in-built HIGH SPREAD PROTECTION SYSTEM, which protects you from surprising losses at moments of very high market volatility. Another unique feature about WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution is the built in BROKER PROTECTION SYSTEM It is common knowledge that many Metatrader brokers trade against their clients and together with things like high spreads, offquote errors and slippage it has become very difficult for a trading robot to consistently make a profit WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution has one of the best released broker protection systems. Don t wait longer, make you move NOW. Built-In Systems Algorithms in WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution. Broker SPY Module. Profit Protection System. Broker Protection System. High-Spread Protection System. High-Slippage Pr otection System. Advanced Money Management. Broker SPY Module. We ve designed a first of its kind Broker Spy Module We spent over 2000 hours in developing and refining this powerful tool with one primary goal - to protect your capital and you from unethical brokers cheating you with high negative slippage, high spreads or delayed order execution Now you will be able to monitor every minute whether your broker is stealing from you. Profit Protection System. It is disappointing to have to close a position which has made good profits in the past at a loss, or worse when it hits a stop We know just how disappointing this is This is why we protect each WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution position with a near-stop level that guarantees minimum profit immediately it becomes possible Alongside this, a special algorithm monitors optimum closure of each position turning a profit. Broker Protection System. This built-in system conceals your stop levels from unfair brokers who trade against their clien ts If you choose to use this option, stop levels are executed within the WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution program logic and remain invisible to brokers This means that you have double protection against unforeseen loss, and against unfair brokers WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution employs a Stealth Mode to protect against broker stop hunting In Stealth Mode, stop loss and take profit levels are not displayed to the broker An emergency stop loss is placed with the broker to protect the trade against disconnection, but the Stealth Mode stop loss will be reached before the emergency stop loss. High-Spread Protection System. This protection guards you against transactions at times when your broker has broadened the spread above levels acceptable to you This is most important, for high pay spreads are among the basic reasons why your trade can turn-in a loss. High-Slippage Protection System. This protection defends you from entering positions at prices which are too unfavorable for you in times of high market volatility, or when your broker may attempt to steal additional pips from you. Advanced Money Management. Alongside standard options allowing you to use fixed volumes chosen by you in each deal and standard risk management with proportional lot growth, WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution has a unique built-in algorithm which allows you to activate effective current drawdown compensation.100 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.100 Money Back Guarantee. You have all of 60 Days enough to see how profitable this automated forex software is to see if it is right for you.60 Days No-Question-Asked Money Back Guarantee. We will give you your money back without any questions if during these first 60 days you are not satisfied whatever the reasons are. Top Features. Operates with any MT4 broker, ECN includedes with revolutionary Broker SPY Module. Trades MICRO, mini, and standard. Operates with 4 and 5 digits after the decimal point. Operates with any NFA regulated brokeres with an Advanced Money Management systemes with 5 intelligent built-in protection system.24 7 Support. Our Package. WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution for Metatrader 4.The robot comes with 1 Real-Money Account Unlimited Demo Accounts. Exclusive Bonuses. You will get as a bonus WallStreet Asia EA WallStreet Recovery Pro EA totally FREE of charge The regular price of each of these two EAs is 297.Detailed User Guide. Explains how to install and set up WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution with fulll instructions for downloading, installing, and running the system plus tips on how to use, optimize and configure it. Broker SPY Module. A first of its kind, revolutionary Broker Spy Module Powerful tool which detects high negative slippage, high spreads and delayed order execution. Lifetime Support. We are available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week You can contact us whenever you want, regardless of the type of question or problem you wish to rise.100 Money Back Guarantee. You have 60 days to try our system Go for i t If it does not make profit for you, we will return your money. GET NOW These 3 Amazing Forex Robots for the price of ONE. What our users saying about WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution. I would just like this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all involved at WallStreet-forex I have purchased many robots in the past all of which were useless Then spent over 12 months developing my own which worked extremely well for two years then started to do less well over the past 6 months, I firmly believed that no one out there would sell a robot that did consistently well but eventually decided to give one more a try yours and have been blown away by both the performance and the service you offer It is almost too good to be true that you allow others to use something that has obviously taken a long time to develop The fact that you still provide new settings and after sales service shows your commitment to supporting your customers You are to be congratulated as a genuine outfit amongst a sea of rip off merchants Well done, keep it up and THANKS Best wishes. Rahadian Dimas. Next year I will graduate from my college and deciding to be forex trader for my job, because I already believe that if I always follow you and your product FXAutomater , I will success in this bussiness, so you can believe that I will be your happy customer for long time in the future FXAutomater is one of the best EA Developers and I believe in the world to Your EAs will be my main income maker in the future Thank you. My question was answered nicely within 2 hours by the support team Sometimes I have had to wait 2 or 3 days for a response from others vendors Anyway, right now I m running the robot on 2 demos, one default settings and the other with 10 MM So far the robot looks pretty positive, even if results aren t going to make me a millionaire overnight. I like the ea very much after this first two days It has a nice performance and I hope that it will continue like this In the last minutes it closed another two trades in profit The ea has a high trading frequency I like that, especially when the EA is making profi t. Richard Young. This is a far bettered EA than a lot of other EA s For the first days I had 4 trades 37 30 pips No Loss in one of my accounts and 2 trades 17 10 pips No Loss on the second account The second day I had 2 trades 20 40 pips on the first account and 2 trades 24 50 pips no Loss on the second account This is more than I expected. Hi, i have put on my real since 3 weeks the 5 recommended pairs usdcad, usdchf, usdjpy, gbpusd, eurusd and i have to say that it is happiness each time i see my account The reliability of this robot is incredible Maybe one or the best EA on the market I don t know how you can make a robot like this, but it is the saint graal, if you use correct MM for me 4 of risk , if the robot loose one or two trades just after, then it recover the loss with his high accurency Regards. Regular Price 347 Today Price 317.1 Real Account. Unlimited Demo Accounts. The Best in Forex Industry 24 7 Support.60-Day 100 MONEY-BACK Guarantee. BONUS 1 WallStreet Asia. BONUS 2 WallStre et Recovery Pro. IMPORTANT If you have any problems during the payment process, please contact us. You have THE GUARANTEE of Accurate Operation, the benefit of complete service lifetime future updates only by buying the ORIGINAL PRODUCT. After purchase, once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an e-mail message containing your username and member access password Then you can access the member area and download the expert advisor and all the files from the downloads area. Disclaimer U S Government Required Disclaimer Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot af ford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts Clearly understand this Information contained within this course is not an invitation to trade any specific investments Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain That is your decision Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances It is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs circumstances Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests could lead to losses of capital. CFTC RULE 4 41 HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. By using WallStreet Forex Robot 2 0 Evolution, you acknowledge that you are familiar with these risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of your decisions We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this product It s to be noted carefully in this respect, that past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Protection All origin al content on is created by the website owner, including but not limited to text, design, code, images, photographs and videos are considered to be the Intellectual Property of the website owner, whether copyrighted or not, and are protected by DMCA Protection Services using the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Title 17 Chapter 512 c 3 Reproduction or re-publication of this content is prohibited without permission.

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